"I wish you could see what I see out the window - the earth pink and yellow cliffs to the north - the full pale moon about to go down in an early morning lavender sky behind a very long beautiful tree covered mesa to the west - pink and purple hills in front and the scrubby fine dull green cedars - and a feeling of much space - It is a very beautiful world - I wish you could see it." - Georgia O'Keeffe, September 1942. 我從前看O'Keeffe的畫,不相信天空大地可以有這樣的顏色,一層又一層令人聯想到孩童皮膚柔和的粉紅與粉藍,原來真的可以在新墨西哥州找得到。地上泥土加上用沙泥稻草建成的adobe小屋,泛起一陣薰黃,為天空原本耀目的色彩塗上一抹溫柔。怎樣告訴你們呢,用我笨拙的中文和笨拙的照片,這個我見過最美麗之一的日落? 要找配對到這種顏色的O'Keeffe畫作起來才竟然找不到,不過她的後期作品已經明顯比她在紐約到喬治湖渡假的黑藍色調自由溫柔得多。 From the Faraway, Nearby , 1938 Georgia O'Keeffe (American, 1887–1986) Oil on canvas The Metropolitan Museum PS.在聖塔菲路邊有販賣牛頭枯骨的小檔,我扭梁生買個給我,他白眼話好,買來掛晌你床頭!不過他跟我探訪O'Keeffe 藝術館 ,第一次無像小朋友扭計要走,還自己擔凳仔去聽curator's guide,呵呵,藝術冰山開始溶化了。