我花了一個小時把浴室裡所有的硬膠磚罅隙逐格擦乾淨,擦得我腰也直不起來後,又把全屋有平面的傢俬抹得像銀行的雲石地板;不過因為明天上溫哥華與他父母姨媽姑姐飲茶要見人,真正的整修工程才開始:洗澡的時候我把自己刷得滿身通紅好好去死皮;然後邊做深層清潔面膜邊剪手甲,再塗上磨沙油按摩一下;漂唇毛(註)的時候拔眉毛;做收毛孔水份面膜時剪腳甲;實行爭取每一分鐘。可想而知我就像一座日舊失修的唐樓,窗花搖搖欲墜要跌落街。 You Are Oscar the Grouch Grumpy and grouchy, you aren't just pessimistic. You revel in your pessimism. You are usually feeling: Unhappy. Unless it's rainy outside, and even then you know the foul weather won't last. You are famous for: Being mean yet loveable. And you hate the loveable part. How you life your life: As a slob. But it's not repelling as many people as you'd like! The Sesame Street Personality Quiz 所以測驗結果指明我是住在垃圾桶的oscar the grouch。 註:我不是天生天養的氧氣美女,沒有漂唇毛的我是隻烏嘴狗。 人家被稱為辣妹的大S也推介呀。這是從她的書《美容大王》抽出的圖片。