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星期天和小鹿走路到金門公園的de Young藝術館,看從巴黎Musée d'Orsay運來的部分畫作展覽“Birth of Impressionism”。我們這邊的藝術館捉到隻會生金蛋的母雞,把展覽分成兩次,大眾最愛的梵高、高更及塞尚將會另外在9月才展出。

de Young場館不大,我們二人從前也到過Musée d'Orsay,所以沒有抱很大的期望,但一踏進展覽便被一幅比我高差不多一倍的畫吸引。小鹿與我面面相覷,對呀,這就是我們數天前才剛看過Agnès Varda的《The Gleaners and I》記錄片中那幅Jules Breton的《La Glaneuse》。

Agnès Varda還頑皮的學高達在電影中玩tableau vivant。我捉住小鹿說,在藝術館沒有比這種偶然與某些畫作的緣份更令我快樂了哎呀呀。就是這種小驚喜,為這個像蛋糕的展覽添上一層甜甜的糖霜。

回到家在書櫃找來在Musée d'Orsay買的工具書,從第一頁跌出一張首日封。連我自己也忘記曾買下的,1979年梵高的首日封,除了有Auvers sur Oise教堂那畫作的郵票、草帽梵高1887自畫像的郵印,還有一個梵高1889自畫像的壓印,凹凸的坑紋我用手指輕輕掃著,心裡輕呼,蛋糕上另一層糖霜!


ah-yun said…
ah you went! we haven't yet. was there a lot of ppl? did you make advance ticket? i even joined the membership and planned to see Van Gogh too. (bf likes!)
kristie said…
we went on a sunday around 2, it's only ok busy. advance ticket's not necessary i think. membership's totally worth it considering it's $25 per head just for this show, and an annual membership for both legion and de young's only 80 for two.
kristie said…
it's a shame legion didn't get this show tho. i get all the political reasons behind situating this quote, unquote biggest show of the year in gg park, but still.