「我覺得我個人好空,入面空空如也,什麼也沒有。」「那是因為很久沒有東西入的原故。」「對呀,每天不停的出,卻連讀本好書、看部好電影,放一點什麼入自己的時間也缺乏。」‥「那時候我在廣告公司辭職,去幫你阿爸手,那裡的人用10%盈利引誘我留下。」「你肯定這決定是對的嗎?你現在跟我老豆喎。聽起來好像是誤錯終生的決定。(笑)」 周日看了部好電影,Wim Wenders的《 Wings of Desire 》,家裡的人不明白,說電影沉重死了,我說這電影是the celebration of life,然後在imdb竟然看到有人說一模一樣的話。 電影開首,天使Damiel說:「A woman on the street folded her umbrella while it rained and let herself get drenched. A schoolboy who described to his teacher how a fern grows out of the earth, and the astonished teacher. A blind woman who groped for her watch, feeling my presence.... It's great to live only by the spirit, to testify day by day, for eternity, to the spiritual side of people. But sometimes I get fed up with my spiritual existence. Instead of forever hovering above I'd like to feel there's some weight to me. To end my eternity, and bind me to earth. At each step, at each gust of wind, I'd like to be able to say: 'Now! Now! and Now!' And no longer say: 'Since always' and 'Forever.' T...